Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Say my name

Haha I was bored. really.
If you're bored too you can do it here.

They lied. They said "have your favourite celebs spell out your name".
None of them 're my fave. Where's my host!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tegan and Sara

Tegan Rain Quin and Sara Kiersten Quin -

Tegan and Sara - The Con
Tegan and Sara - I Was Married

 TEGAN AND SARA_the con_live

Lennon's kid

All along I thought Lennon only had one kid, Sean [right], whose mother is Yoko Ono n who was five when his father died. But while watching an interview there's another kid from a first wife, Cynthia. His name is John Charles Julian Lennon [left], also known as Julian Lennon.

What many people didn't know is there were a few Beatle songs written for/inspired by him. 

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"

Julian inspired the title of one of his father's most famous songs whose lyrics described a picture Julian drew; a watercolour painting of a girl [a classmate named Lucy] surrounded by stars.

"Hey Jude"

Paul McCartney was inspired with 'Hey Jude' when Julian's parents divorced. It was meant to be 'Hey Jules' but McCartney changed it to Jude cos it sounded better.

Paul: What happened with "Hey Jude" was I was driving out to see Cynthia and Julian and they - Cyn and John - had just been separated and they were still friends you know. You know people involved in divorces - both sides are still your friends, you can't go siding with just one. So...  I went out just to see Cyn and to see how she was, to see how things were. I was just driving out one day. It was a lovely day. And I find in the car for me - that's a good time to kind of get ideas and stuff, I think it is for a lot of people. So I was just going out there and was singing "Hey Jules" - (sings "Hey Jules") - I got this idea - (sings "Don't make it bad") - you know the situation - (sings "take a sad song and make it better") and - Eventually I thought "Jules" didn't sound quit right and "Jude" just stuck, a little break on it.  It just sounded better in the lyrics. So I substituted that word. But I didn't actually go up to Julian and - "Hey you know I wrote this for you" - I don't do that. But that was really the basic idea that kicked it off.

"Good Night"

A track from The Beatle's White Album, although sung by Ringo Starr, is a lullaby written by John Lennon for Julian.

THE BEATLES_lucy in the sky with diamonds

Friday, June 13, 2008


One of the best and worst days of my 20-year life. A part of me felt a certain loss while another was scheming a plan in order to improve herself. One part felt hopeless while another knew exactly what was happening and what must be done. 

I am calm. It took a bit of darkness for me to see the light. Literally when I was lying down on my bed, headphones on, staring into the dark, everything came to me. The answers were sitting there staring at me the entire time but I kept overlooking them. It was so hard to focus today. A thousand thoughts running through my head. 

I know what to do now. It was just coincidence all this had to happen on Friday 13. But I'm glad it's over.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Mirzan will be back in two days (:
But that means I have to get used to a noisy lifestyle again, and less alone times ):
We can work it out!

I met up with Graham yesterday. Starting July-Aug I'll be working with him and his friends/partners for about 8 months. In a way, it's exciting. But in another, it's scary. The same way we feel everytime we begin something new. But it's undeniable. How nervous we get when we know we're working with professionals, and how we might not be able to meet their expectations and things. 

Ever since I left STA, life has been such a thrilling rollercoaster. SO full of uncertainties, possibilities, mistakes, excitement all rolled into one. 2008 has become/is becoming my experimental year. I'm just a wandering soul who walks around aimlessly bumping into opportunities and taking them. I want to try new things. 

The company Graham is in sounded pretty cool. I'll be doing most of the admin shit and supporting the Project Manager but at least I'll get to learn along the way and work my way up. They work internationally too so if I'm lucky I get to travel. One of the coolest things is they're gonna bring in holographic technology from London I think. It's been done before for Gorillaz's performance back in the 2003 MTV Awards where they were holograph-ed on stage. 

Okay I'm off to watch Kungfu Panda now.

I tried

1 down.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


... that was weird. reading my first blog again.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I saw a white limping man

He looked a little into his 60s, mid-built, a little hunched, with a black bag slung on his right shoulder, and two bags of heavy grocery bags. It was that sheltered pathway to Somerset MRT, I was on my way home and walking behind this poor soul who looked like he was forcing his legs to move.

I looked down. Because I will not be caught staring at this poor man like he's some awkward outsider. I'll just look down and keep on walking but I will not overtake him. And somehow deep inside I wished he would just disappear. Not that I had a grudge against him. But I was hoping he was just a figment of my imagination. 

I respect this man. He reminded me of my grandfather. Even though he didn't know, I felt like I just couldn't overtake him like that. For me, that would mean I don't care so much for him and have given up on him. I wanted to give him some invisible support and so, continued walking behind him until we parted ways at the MRT gate. 

Song of the day:
The Beatles - Hello, Goodbye

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sound escape

THE BEATLES_all you need is love 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

December 8, 1980

I was watching a film on a psychopath who killed an icon, John Lennon.

The first thing you want to know is all that stuff about my dad, and what he did to my mum and me... the whole goddamn childhood. But I'm not gonna tell you any of that stuff. That stuff isn't important... not anymore. - one of the first lines of Mark Chapman, the man who was 25 at the time, who killed Lennon

I love reading or watching shows on psychopaths n criminals n murderers n schizophrenics. Cos at the end of it all, you feel such a great deal of understanding for why they are like that, why they killed that guy or why he has a compulsive behaviour. And it always starts with problems they had since young [which is why I say proper child development is v. impt]. And it's not like special problems just because they commit crimes. It's common problems, like the ones you and I have/had.

It makes you think and when you put yourself in their shoes, you'd sometimes go

I would have done the same thing.

As for Mark Chapman, his b/g in a summary goes like this

Unhappy childhood 
Violent parents 
NO friends 
was picked on all the time
kids called him "pussy" 
No one to Love/who Loves him
No one who really cared to 
sit and listen to him

Who wouldn't go cuckoo.

And when you have all of the above factors, you realize that you intensively talk to yourself cos nobody cares abt you so the only friend you have is yourself and the Little People in your head. And you start making things up, which you believe in. Eventually you don't know what you're doing in this world cos hell no one cares about your existence, and you start hearing voices in your head asking you to do things. Somehow you follow what the voices tell you to do. You get caught up in all the confusion you don't even know what's happening anymore. Next thing you know, John Lennon is bleeding to death at your feet, fans are wailing, officers are cursing, everyone's looking at you, and in your hand is a revolver. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

School boys

Got a little bored at 2am. I started thinking of mijon again. 
the kid in the image can be a boy, girl, me, you.

Really, don't get forget to catch Sayang Sayang tonight if you've got nothing to do.
I'm gonna record the whole season. 

I'm a blu, I'm a dee da ba da, I'm a dee da ba da, I'm a dee da ba da...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


[translated * LET'S!]


For the love of God, Fun, and Good Company!

At least before Adam and Garf goes into camp and shave them heads bald. Before June 16! :D:D

MAA Malaysia 2008

The news is out! It has been announced! 
MTV Asia Awards 2008 will be held on August 2 at Genting - City of Entertainment.
And the host will be none other than *drum ber-rolling*


I am surprised, very surprised. Of all people, how did he get involved. Yes I have to go. It will be stupid if this is the closest I'll be to the frontman of my fav band, and I don't go for it. I'll be 21 by then. Daddy dearest has to let me go. Damn, they're so close they might as well come to Singapore *silently prays* ... more about MTV Asia Awards 2008

Something to end the night. 

30 SECONDS TO MARS_the kill_live_chainsaw awards 

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's time for Sayang Sayang la!

photo credits to The Straits Chinese House, Domestic Life and Traditions

An article on MediaCorp's Buzz section today featuring Kheng Hua and John Lee:

In the upcoming Ch 5 comedy Sayang Sayang, Tan Kheng Hua dons a tight kebaya, a tight bun (on the headlah), red lips and barks orders in Malay and Chinese easily.
She could only be playing a Peranakan matriarch. Sayang Sayang tells the story of the Tan family, a Peranakan family with a soft-spoken dad (John Lee), an overly anxious and controlling first wife (Kheng Hua), a sneaky second wife (Lok Meng Chue), and a dreamboat of a son (Johnny Lu), who also happens to be bringing a tomboyish pork seller (Michelle Chong) into the family.
To be sure, the synopsis promises a lot of family drama (lies! backstabbing!) but we think it’s the whole Peranakan aspect that’s going to really get you tickled.
It’s fitting then that the Tan family is headed in real life by one person who actually is Peranakan (John) and another who says she’s spent her whole life surrounded by Peranakans (Kheng Hua) more!

It's exciting to think the show's airing soon. Sometimes when I look back, I miss having a good chat with the crew, or the makcik of the Mountbatten house, the talents, Uncle Yeo [van driver. "Uncre Yeo! Ni hao ma!"]. Amazing. Break times were usually the fun times. Everyone sits together and have a good chat and eatz wonderful food. 

But of course, rough days. When you wish you could just run away from everything. The first few weeks on set, I stuck close to the makcik cos she made me feel 'at home'. She was what kept me sane on set. 

I remembered the mornings dad would send me to office at 5 am and I dreaded getting out of the car. At the office doorstep, I would just watch as dad drove away. 

Anyhow! Those days are over. The now is, show is airing soon. If you're lucky, you can spot the interns ;) As maids, passers-by, students, whatever!

So dudes/dudettes, if you're free and am bored on Wednesday night (4 June), watch

CH 5, 8PM

Okay, goodnight!

Baby moments

I miss Mirzan. Last Friday he left for his motherland with his mother. And won't be back till 14th June. But no regrets, at least during the last few days I spent all my waking moments with him. Playing Spongebob on his gameboy (yes we completed all the levels!), we read books (yay education!), and watched Animal Planet. 

Watching Animal Planet is one of the best things to do with children I think, no matter what show. Cos you guys get to learn about the life of another life-form together. So it gets fascinating. 

Oh well, at least now I can clean my room in peace. I miss watching him break into a smile or comforting him when he cries. Here're some of the baby moments.



 Baby with pinoy Papa @ Raya

 Baby cry

 Baby and friends shampoo session @ Raya

 Lion baby

 Baby go to nursery

 Lion baby 2

"kakak wake up, petang ready." [petang - afternoon]
opens curtains. 
"see? the sun come out ready, it's a sunny day!"

"kakak, my friend don't know my name. he call me... Mizon."

watching a pig cartoon on kids central i say
"eh mirzan look, babi."
"BIBIK, KAKAK CAKAP BABI!" [cakap - said]

"kakak see? I wear Ben 10 panties."

"Bibik! Ijan ganti nama, Ijan sekarang Abang."
[Bibik! Ijan changed name, now Ijan is Big Brother.]

When bibik scolds him, he usually cries. 
This time, he didn't.
He smiled, "just now bibik scold me I never cry." 
"How come?"
"i Abang ready what."

while coming back from ngaji [religious class].
"shahira, bila kita besar tak boleh kawan gini lagi tau" 
[shahira, when we're big, we can't be friends like this anymore you know]
shahira asks, "kenape?" [why]
"pasal, nanti kita dah tak handsome.[because, i won't be handsome anymore]

Just when I thought he couldn't get any bigger, I realised he's growing up really fast. 
Oh babyyy, I missshhh youssss.