That was it. The day came and went. What was thought to be a possibly boring and monotonous event turned out to be pretty amazing. And possibly memorable as well. Even if it was boring, kids of STA never fail to make it fun.
"When you walk across the stage, take your time..." - Serene
And take my time I did. It was great seeing everyone again.
Adam danced his way across the stage, which was awesome! That's the Adam we know and love. And the first to receive the award no less haha. You look like you've lost some weight! I loved seeing Noraini again (missed you!), Gareth (you look like you lost some weight too!), Shannon, Natasha, Guo Yuan, Lionel and Jannah (tho I see you 2 everyday more than I see my family heh), Lisa, Huda, Hafez, Zul, Khalis, Zhi Ning and so many others.
It was fun shouting friends names as they walked onstage.
I don't think I've seen our facis look that away. The smile on their face when each STA student walks on stage.
As I walked back to my seat, I saw Ee Shaun and shook his hand. Then I saw David Cheng.
We have known him for 3 years and it suddenly dawned on me, we have gone through so much thick and thin with him and done many late night projects together from the Film IG days, Studio Production, School of Disco Zombies, the recent Open House, Poly Forum, Studio IG, and Grad DVD. I had to thank this man cos he has always been there helping us.
I stopped and looked at him. He looked surprised as he turned and saw me and said, "Give me a hug man." This is the man I love as a friend and guide.
Later at the reception area, amid the blue-purple-green robes and cupcakes and mummies and daddies, I saw the other man I was looking for. There standing with Samantha obviously oblivious to my presence was Mr Varian Lim. I called out his name.
He turned, and for a short five seconds he gave me that very significant Varian look. The one that makes you feel as if you've done something wrong.
Finally he broke into a smile and opened his arms. I ran in like a child would into a mother's arms. I have loved this man from the moment I met him. He first helped me find my place in STA by pulling me in for our first Open House in 06. And that was where I met Noraini, Gareth, Jannah, Guo Yuan, Adam, Ghaz, Dyl, Rain, Lionel, Luke, Skye, Jose, David, and others. He was always there to listen to the stupid things I have to say, and give advices whether it's about relationships, family or school.
I love it. Today was absolutely wonderful. Do keep in touch friends :)
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