Monday, August 11, 2008

Girl of my dream

You know in dreams when you sense something good or bad is gonna happen when you see someone or something and they really turn out that way.

I was in a car in a carpark (with someone mysterious as the driver). I just entered the car, am about to close the door. Suddenly a girl appears next to my door and she doesn't let me close it.

For a moment I'm thinking she's a spirit who's ready to eat me. Then I think she's a robber who's gonna rob me.

I get out of the car.

We stand face-to-face and she looks a little scary from my 'current' knowledge of her being a robber. But suddenly I thought of her being a lonely, love-starved girl and maybe that's why she's been trying to get my attention. 

I wrapped my arms tight around her, she just fell limp into me and cried away.

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