Thursday, December 6, 2007

One room full of Stories

I have a dream of (if I'm rich enough) to have a library of my own.

I want to be able to spend at least 2 hours every day sitting in a sea of books. I want to be surrounded by knowledge, englightenment, and stories of the world. If given, I'd like to sit in a roomful of books forever and ever knowing that there are so many opportunities and so many things to learn from in the room.
There would be a soft, comfortable cushiony chair with an arm rest (possibly from IKEA) in the middle of the room exclusively for me. Then everyday I would come and sit, and read a few things as I let my imagination wander by itself.

I would have my own little sections, namely:

- Happy (for the happy stories)
- Sad (for the not so happy stories)
- Stephen King (for stories by SK)
- Life-long learning (for books that help me learn more about life)
- World culture/mythology/history (for learning and uncovering more of the world's secrets and beauty)
- Work-related (for things that might be useful to my work, if I work)
- Misc. (for others not stated above)

Then I should I have a shelf-ful of DVDs in the library as well. At one side of the room, is a mini entertainment corner with projector and screen, DVD/VCD player, and a 5.1 surround sound system. Wooooooo.

My own little world to escape to, I like.

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