Thursday, June 12, 2008


Mirzan will be back in two days (:
But that means I have to get used to a noisy lifestyle again, and less alone times ):
We can work it out!

I met up with Graham yesterday. Starting July-Aug I'll be working with him and his friends/partners for about 8 months. In a way, it's exciting. But in another, it's scary. The same way we feel everytime we begin something new. But it's undeniable. How nervous we get when we know we're working with professionals, and how we might not be able to meet their expectations and things. 

Ever since I left STA, life has been such a thrilling rollercoaster. SO full of uncertainties, possibilities, mistakes, excitement all rolled into one. 2008 has become/is becoming my experimental year. I'm just a wandering soul who walks around aimlessly bumping into opportunities and taking them. I want to try new things. 

The company Graham is in sounded pretty cool. I'll be doing most of the admin shit and supporting the Project Manager but at least I'll get to learn along the way and work my way up. They work internationally too so if I'm lucky I get to travel. One of the coolest things is they're gonna bring in holographic technology from London I think. It's been done before for Gorillaz's performance back in the 2003 MTV Awards where they were holograph-ed on stage. 

Okay I'm off to watch Kungfu Panda now.


Unknown said...

Awesome Sweetnessssss!

Let us know how it goes!


NAT said...

