Thursday, July 3, 2008


Such a nice time for reminiscing. Remember


I loved watching Donny & Marie (the 90s one). They always had new stuff on the show. I remembered Donny introducing medicine for kids that was made into a lollipop so kids would eat it. That was interesting. It was from there I started learning more about them and their songs. Aaron Carter did a cover for 'One Bad Apple', and S Club Juniors did a cover for 'Puppy Love'. 

Here is they performing their best energetic moves in One Bad Apple. It's really good. That little kid is Donny btw. Gerekz!

One Bad Apple


King of Pop or what. What would the Pop era be without him? Probably different but we don't know. I'm just happy he was a part of my childhood. The "HO!"s and the "Hi heeee!"s. Who can resist. 

Here's a great performance I found online, done during his History world tour in 97. It would probably bring back some memories if you watch. It's called They Don't Care About Us.

They Don't Care About Us


My family haven't really subscribed to cable yet in the 90s. But there was a short period of time when I think we got free previews of cable channels. And I got excited everytime I saw Aaron Carter or Hanson, Nsync or BSB on MTV. I remembered always seeing "I Will Come To You" by Hanson appear on. I love the song so much, I still do. The brothers were great songwriters at such a young age it's impressive. 

So here we go, I Will Come To You with The Hansons.

I Will Come To You

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